Police Academy Magnet » Community Service

Community Service

Community Service is an integral part of the 12th grade curriculum (although we encourage all of our students to get involved however they can). Magnet seniors have the opportunity to work closely with law enforcement professionals in Los Angeles County courthouses, police stations, and youth corrections facilities. Seniors may also opt for collegiate courses in psychology and Justice Administration.

We also strive to ensure that our students see the world outside the classroom as often as possible. In our magnet, young scholars will visit Los Angeles Courts, LAPD Crime Labs, and attend special legal conferences and conventions.

What’s more, PA Cadets are eligible for POPP, the Police Orientation Preparation Program offered through LAPD in partnership with National University. If cadets meet the academic criteria, they will receive financial assistance and mentoring through LAPD. With these, they can complete a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice in less time, and with more support, than they would at a typical university.