Police Academy Magnet » Our History

Our History

The Los Angeles Police Academy Magnet Schools (LAPAMS)

In 1996 an educational partnership began between the Los Angeles Police Department and the
Los Angeles Unified School District, thanks to former school board member and president,
Roberta Weintraub. The collaboration forged the creation of unique and innovative secondary
law enforcement schools known as Los Angeles Police Academy Magnet Schools (LAPAMS).
James Monroe High School and Woodrow Wilson High School were the first two schools to establish Police Academy Magnet Schools in 1996. Since that time, many of our Monroe High School alumni have become successful community members in the law-enforcement community, including the LAPD, Sheriff’s Department, Homeland Security and private security firms. 
With “Preparing to Serve” as the motto, the Los Angeles Police Academy Magnet school
offers an academically and physically rigorous career pathway education for young men and
women interested in law enforcement. Our officer-led school provides a better understanding
of law enforcement and a high quality recruiting resource for the Los Angeles Police
Our curriculum goes beyond basic high school course requirements, affording students specialized coursework, training, mentoring, work and volunteer opportunities. The programs include instruction in:
  • Communication skills, with emphasis on listening, reading, speaking, writing and
  • thinking as it relates to law enforcement
  • Basic concepts of criminal law, principles of law enforcement, constitutional law, the
  • criminal justice system and other law related topics intertwined throughout all core
  • courses
  • Health training, including mental and physical health
  • Physical Training in accordance with LAPD standards
  • Computer science, particularly programs which relate to law enforcement such a
  • Compstat and E Crime
  • Community service, to develop good citizenship and ongoing community involvement
Another important aspect of our program is that it simulates the LAPD’s recruit academy in many facets. Students have to stand at attention when an adult enters the room, address adults as “Ma’am” or “Sir,” adhere to specific grooming standards, and wear a uniform once a week for an officer-led inspection. There are also student leadership, color guard, and drill team opportunities. Because these programs are “schools within a school,” the student can also participate in the host school’s extra-curricular offerings.
In addition to our Police Academy Magnet classroom teachers, we have three full time staff members (jobs and descriptions shown below) that work directly with our students in our Police Academy Building at the back of our main school campus. They instruct our students daily to learn to handle situation with a high degree of professionalism and integrity and be prepared to meet the physical demands of police work.
1) We have a full time LAPD officer assigned to the program who teaches the physical training class, incorporating LAPD organizational information, criminal justice lectures, guest speakers, and basic drilling into the curriculum. To further expose these students to the many facets of police work, the students also go on field trips to LAPD’s Bomb Squad, Mounted Unit, LAPD Historical Museum, LAPD Crime Lab, and various training facilities. 
2) We have a full time LA School Police Officer assigned through the LAUSD Youth Program who assists our LAPD officer with the implementation of all areas of the Program. 
3) We have a full time credentialed Physical Educator who serves as a Lead Teacher/Register-carrying. They also share their knowledge and enthusiasm for physical education and addresses movement skills, movement knowledge, social skills, and health enhancing level of physical fitness.