Fire Academy Magnet » Fire EMS Coursework

Fire EMS Coursework

The following is the FIRE/EMS Pathway our students will pursue to be prepared for the demands of a career in the public service sector. All students will meet their A-G Graduation Requirements.
9th Grade Emphasis - First Aid/CPR and Anatomy
Students will learn life saving techniques through hands-on instruction from the Los Angeles Fire Department staff.They will learn vocabulary related to the human body as in Anatomy of the Skeletal and Muscular System. Personal Fitness will be emphasized on a daily basis.
10th Grade Emphasis - CERT and Physiology
Students will continue learning about the human body and how it works through class lessons in physiology. The Teen CERT program, which stands for Community Emergency Response Team, is a national training program designed for teens who would like to volunteer to help out during a local disaster. Just like adults, teens throughout communities in the United States can benefit from learning about potential disasters that could affect the area and how to respond to these disasters in the best way possible. Emergency response is ultimately what dictates how communities cope with disaster and rebuild later. Students will be double enrolled with Los Angeles Valley College to take Firefighter Occupations Course.
11th Grade Emphasis – Fire Science
This competency-based course is designed to expose students to concepts related to Water Dynamics, Hydraulics and Fire Behavior. This course will present the theory and fundamentals of how and why fires start, and the factors which affect the spread of fires. A study of the basic fundamentals of fire chemistry and their physical components will be presented and discussed. In addition, an analysis of fires'' characteristics and the effects of extinguishing agents and fire management methods are studied. Also addressed, including information on current techniques and prevention of injuries while promoting safe routine and emergency fire operations. The course will introduce students to basic components required when utilizing water supplies methods and procedures
12th Grade Emphasis - Medical Terminology and First Responder
This competency-based course is designed to prepare students for emergency medical services (EMS) occupations. Technical instruction includes: orientation and workplace safety policies and procedures, evaluation, and employability skills. Emphasis is placed on: introduction to the EMS systems; legal and ethical issues; well-being of the first responder; the human body; medical terminology; lifting, moving, and positioning patients; airway management; assessment of the patient; cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillators (AED); medical emergencies; bleeding, shock, and soft-tissue injuries; muscle and bone injuries; infants and children; gaining access and hazards on scene; multiple-casualty incidents, triage, and the incident management system; pharmacology; swimming and diving incidents; response to terrorism and weapons of mass destruction; and first responder skills. The competencies in this course are aligned with the California High School Academic Content Standards and the California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards.
EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) 2021-2022 School Year
This competency-based course contains the training requirement for Emergency Medical Technician-1 (EMT) certification. This includes basic EMT sciences such as anatomy and physiology, emergency medical and trauma care, obstetrics, pediatrics, and behavioral emergencies. The course is based on the Los Angeles County Core Curriculum. Upon successful completion the student will have the knowledge and training required for EMT 1 certification. The competencies in this course are aligned with the California High School Academic Content Standards and the California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards.