Links/Resources (Students) » College Office Reminders

College Office Reminders


  • Create portal accounts for each college that you apply to. Please check your college portals every day to find out what your colleges need from you. These may include SAT scores, transcripts, and EPT/ELM tests.
  • All students going to a Cal State must take the EPT/ELM test if you did not pass the EAP test. This test should be completed ASAP or it may jeopardize your admission to a CSU.
  • All students going to a community college must meet with the community college Rep in the college office. Please sign-up in the college office ASAP. Reps are here every week.
  • All students should create a College portfolio binder where they should file all college information you received, flyers from REPs, application confirmation pages, personal statement, brag sheets, etc.


  • Sign-up for SAT and ACT if you have not done so already!!!
  • We will have SAT workshops in Spring semester for students who are interested.
  • All students should create a College portfolio binder where they should file all college information you received, flyers from REPs, application confirmation pages, personal statement, brag sheets, etc.
  • Check out the internships and programs list in the college office.
  • Classroom presentations (ongoing in the classrooms)

Sophomores and Freshman:

  • Drop by the college office and start a college plan with Ms. Lopez
  • Sign-up for field-trips to colleges
  • Keep up your grades so you can go to college
  • Sign-up for college specialized programs such as Upward Bound, ETS and EAOP in G-1
  • Classroom presentations