ABOUT US » Shared Core Beliefs

Shared Core Beliefs

Shared Core Beliefs: We believe that students, faculty, administration, and staff optimize students’ opportunities for learning in an environment that supports the expression of individual perspectives, facilitates personalized connections, affords multiple differentiated opportunities to obtain common core standards mastery, fosters respect and autonomy with accountability, and where effective learning and instruction occur each moment of every school day. Collectively, we define effective learning:

Effective learning is a collaborative interchange of ideas leading to mastery of common core standards and ESLRs

Effective learning happens when students are afforded multiple differentiated opportunities to acquire, practice, experiment, and master rigorous concepts and skills in a safe, respectful, and welcoming learning environment defined by high expectations for all students

Effective learning is demonstrated through authentic problem solving utilizing multiple modalities in a variety of flexible groupings and classroom settings

Effective learning is measured by an ongoing variety of qualitative and quantitative assessments, as well as the outcome of authentic learning opportunities

Effective learning is fostered through the partnership of parents, students, school staff, and community members