Alumni » Class of 1972 Reunion

Class of 1972 Reunion

Class of 1972
Happy New Year to the JMHS Class of 1972!
As 2022 draws to a close we’re wrapping up our 50-year reunion activities by providing you with links to our REUNION MEMORY BOOK as well as a special IN MEMORIAM supplement. Whether you were able to attend our reunion or not, we hope that you feel a sense of community in seeing photos from the reunion weekend, recalling the places, people and events that shaped our high school years, and catching up with our classmates and faculty through their photos and profiles. We also hope that you will take a few minutes to remember those who are no longer with us.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a biography and a recent photo for this memory book! If you attended the reunion but didn't fill out your biography your photos have still been included in the book. For privacy reasons, we have not included any personal contact information. If you are interested in reconnecting with a classmate or faculty member, please email us and we will forward your information to them. And please don’t forget to send us an email if YOUR contact info changes!
Many thanks to Jeff (Berkowitz) Berkeley for creating and maintaining our class website during the past 10 years. However, since technology has become more accessible to everyone, moving forward we will be using the JMHS ’72 Google Drive account for storing and sharing class documents and photos. All of the formal photographs, GreenScreen photos, and candids from our 50-year reunion events are available for download from Google Drive via the link below. You may also upload additional photos from the reunion that you might want to share with others. We will send links to the photos and documents from both high school and our previous reunions as soon as possible.
To view, save or print our 50-Year Reunion Biography/Memory Book in PDF format, click on the link HERE.
To view, save or print our 50-year Reunion In Memoriam Tribute in PDF format, click on the link HERE.  
For additional Reunion Photos, click on this link:
If you’re on Facebook but haven’t joined our class group, we’re at:
As we head into this new year please continue to spread the love, keep the peace, and take time to smell the flowers. Life is too short and we shouldn’t waste a day.
Wishing you happiness!
Your 50-Year Reunion Executive Planning Committee
Jim Hughes (Chair), Jo (Caiola) Sittig, Harvey Maxey, Gwen (Parsell) Pearson, Patty (Rogers) Nygren, and Mark Suzumoto
Class email: [email protected]
